There are many things to do and see at the Mataranka Homestead and surrounding area, below are a few ideas and some links to fact sheets and maps etc.
When / Where:​
Mataranka Thermal Pools and Bitter Springs are both open 24 hours 7 days a week, unless flooded in the wet season. Both are managed by National Parks so any queries or complaints should be directed to them.
When / Where:​
Malukas Bar, Mataranka Homestead
Daily at 12pm, in the dry season
"We of the Never Never" movie
The original movie made in this area is shown daily in the bar area, so come on in , grab some lunch a drink and enjoy the movie. No trip to the homestead is complete without this. We also have copies of the book and movie available for purchase.
When / Where:​
Walks are managed by National Parks,
Most people want to catch a Barra when they come to the NT, and there is not many better fishing spots than here at Mataranka in the Waterhouse River and the Roper River.
When / Where:​
Located at car park at the entry to the Mataranka Homestead, and open all day every day.
When / Where:​
Out the back of campground 1 along the Waterhouse River
Four Mile and 12 Mile, drive back out on to the main road and turn left on to John Houser Drive, these spots are signed and have boat ramps.
All of these fishing spots are located in National Parks so please check regulations on the fact sheets here and also bag limits etc via the NT rules and regs links.
The only two places to swim safely at Mataranka are at our very own Mataranka Thermal Springs, located a 100 meter walk from our campgrounds, or at Bitter Springs, a short drive back into town. Both are a different experience. And both are in the Elsey National Park.
The Mataranka Thermal Pools have seats, stairs and more of a pool feeling, where you can float and chat with other travelers. The pools have been done up in a natural way to preserve the area due to the volume of people visiting, please keep to the paths, take your rubbish with you and do not take glass to the pools.
Bitter Springs is more of a natural setting with a stronger current, buy a pool noodle and some goggles from reception and drive the nine km's to float down these springs and look in the crystal clear water for the turtles that call it home.
Homestead Replica
This replica homestead was made for the We of the Never Never Movie.
Walking Tracks
Our main walking track at the homestead is the 1.2k walk to Stevies hole along the Waterhouse River. There are numerous other walking tracks in the Mataranka area, and all are located in the Elsey National Park and managed by Parks NT, please check out their website and maps via the links below and follow all of their instructions.
Around the homestead area we have many resident wallabies that are friendly, these are wild animals so please be wary. Please don't feed bread to these guys, this is extremely bad for them and can cause a condition called lumpy jaw and a painful death.
Peacocks will also visit your camp with the boys usually showing off their tails and trying to impress you.
Up the back behind campsite 5 we have our 2 resident goats Chips and Chops, and their girlfriend Charlie the Buffalo, feel free to go and say hi, but please don't feed them, they are fat enough :-)